Free Sewing Pattern: Santa Claus Pillow Case

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You Can Make This has this free sewing pattern available for a “Santa Claus Pillow Case”.  Here’s how they describe it:

Your child will write a letter to St. Nick this year, and she will want to know that he received it. What if she could slip it in her pillowcase before bedtime and wake up to find a note from Santa?

The Santa Claus Pillowcase was designed by the elves to fit a travel sized pillow—a special pillow you bring out just once a year. It has a pocket designed especially for your child’s letter to Santa Claus. After she falls asleep, Santa will come to retrieve the letter. When she wakes up, she’ll find that Santa was there, and has left her a special message in return.

The Elves were kind enough to share with YCST (You Can Sew This) the instructions to create this pillow, and of course, we’re bringing them to you! We hope you enjoy this new tradition in your home!

