Saturday, September 21, 2024
Home Tags Sew can she

Tag: sew can she

Free Sewing Pattern: Girly Fox Applique

This design is a fox, but she is definitely a girl. She likes to hide in the grass and watch the silly boy fox...

Free Sewing Pattern: Texty Typewriter Applique Pattern

This free sewing pattern from Sew Can She is the "Texty Typewriter Applique Pattern".  Have fun with it!   Download

Free Sewing Tutorial: Holiday Burlap Gift Bags

Sew Can She has posted this free sewing tutorial for "Holiday Burlap Gift Bags".   View The Tutorial

Free Sewing Tutorial: 3 Easy Christmas Ornaments Using Applique

This free sewing tutorial will show you to how make 3 easy Christmas Ornaments using applique.  Big thanks to Sew Can She for posting...

Free Sewing Pattern: Texty Typewriter Applique

From the creator... "I have another fun applique for you! In June I thought my sewing machine applique was the cutest one I'll ever...

Free Sewing Tutorial: Cage Comforters

Did you know that animal shelters often use small quilts or blankets (called cage comforters) in the animals' cages to provide a soft bed...

Free Sewing Tutorial: How To Sew With A Rolled Hem...

Sew Can She has posted a free sewing tutorial that will show you how to sew with a rolled hem foot.   View The Tutorial